Monday, July 5, 2021

You can move toward being a child of the light now & into eternity

CHILDREN OF LIGHT - According to the biblical picture, the function of human history is to bring forth an immense community of people, from “every nation and tribe and tongue and people” (Revelation 14:6), who will be a kingdom of priests under God. 

They will reign with him in the eternal future of the cosmos forever and ever (see 1:6; 4:9; 5:10; 14:6; 22:5). These people will, together as a living community, form a special dwelling place for God. 

What the human heart now vaguely senses should be eventually will be in the cosmic triumph of Christ and his people. Those “children of light” will be empowered by God in eternity to do what they want, as free creative agents. 

Spiritual formation in Christlikeness during our lives here on earth is a constant movement toward this eternal appointment. Here and now the children of light are remarkably different, not in the things they do or don’t do, though their behavior, too, is very different and distinctive. Children of light differ on the “inside” of their life. 

Thought life: They love to dwell upon God’s greatness and loveliness as brought to light in Jesus Christ. They adore God in nature, in history, in his Son, and in his saints. One could even say they are “God-intoxicated” (see Acts 2:13; Ephesians 5:18). 

They do not dwell upon evil. It is not a big thing in their thoughts. They are sure of its defeat. Because their mind is centered upon God, all other good things are also welcome there: “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute” (Philippians 4:8). 

Feelings: They love other people. They love their own life and who they are. They are thankful for their life even though it may contain many difficulties. They receive all of it as God’s gift, or at least as his allowance. And so joy and peace are with them even in the hardest of times, even when suffering unjustly. Because of what they have learned about God, they are confident and hopeful and do not indulge thoughts of rejection, failure, and hopelessness, because they know better.


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