Monday, July 12, 2021

Being transparent hurting or hurtful people

As Christians live an increasingly “ghettoized” lifestyle in which we go to aerobics classes, join bowling leagues, and use the Yellow Pages, we are forgetting that we can “live what we talk, even in places where we cannot talk what we live.”

Being involved in professional groups, community organizations, and sports teams that are not explicitly Christian, we can be children of salt and light who don’t think of ourselves first, who aren’t trapped by the unloving comments our tongues make before we think. 

We can be transparent people who lead an organization without manipulating and managing people. When we’re urged to do something wrong, we can quietly refuse without being self-righteous. When accused, we can avoid defending ourselves and say only what is needed for clarity. We can show love and compassion to the people in the group who are in need. Neither sarcasm nor guilt-producing talk will come out of our mouth. 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Think of a group you are a part of that is not explicitly Christian—maybe your condo organization or neighborhood. Pick one person in that group and bring that person before God. Ask God to show you that person’s heart. What does he need? What is her soul crying out for? How might you weep or rejoice with that person? 

If someone insults or injures you, pray for God’s help to demonstrate Christ’s love in turning the other cheek, not taking offense easily or quickly, giving grace to others who may not be grace-filled themselves. Pray that God will give you opportunities to demonstrate the genuine, radiant love of God in simple, common ways.


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