Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Are you & I thankful to be found out?!

WHAT CHILDREN OF LIGHT ARE LIKE - Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), verifying what is pleasing to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8-10, PAR [paraphrased]). 

Children of light differ from others on the “inside of their life” in these following ways also. 

Will (also called spirit or heart): Children of light do not hesitate to do what they know to be good and right. They do not think first of themselves and what they want, and they really care very little about getting their own way. “Let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not look out for your own personal interests, but for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4, PAR). They are abandoned to God’s will and do not deliberate as to whether they will do what they know to be wrong. 

Body: Their body is constantly poised to do what is right and good without thinking. They are not always trapped by what their tongue, facial expressions, and hands have already done before they can think. They avoid paths of temptation. Their body is even different. They have a freshness about them, a kind of quiet strength, and a transparency. They are rested and playful in a bodily strength that is from God. 

Social relations: They are completely transparent. Because they walk in goodness, they achieve real contact with others, especially other apprentices of Jesus. They do not conceal their thoughts and feelings or try to manipulate and manage others. While they will not participate in evil, they are noncondemning. 

Soul: All of the above is not just at the surface. It is deep and effortless. It flows. When those who have become children of light are found to be wrong, they will never defend it. They are thankful to be found out (see Proverbs 9:8). Indeed, when accused of being in the wrong when they are not, they will not defend themselves but will say only as much as is required to prevent misunderstanding of the good. The meaning of being justified by grace alone has penetrated to every pore of their being. This is the outcome of spiritual formation in Christlikeness.


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