Friday, July 23, 2021

Who or what's in charge? Planning & aligning with the Spirit & Word for transformation

MOVING FORWARD - The path of renovation of the heart is one in which the revitalized will takes grace-provided measures to change the content of the thought life, the dominant feeling tones, what the body is ready to do, the prevailing social atmosphere, and the deep currents of the soul. These all are to be progressively transformed toward the character they each have in Jesus Christ. 

Willpower is not the key to personal transformation. Rather, the will and character progress in effectual well-being and well-doing only as all other essential aspects of the person come into line with the intent of a will brought to newness of life from above by the Word and the Spirit. Now is the time for specific planning. 

Are there areas where our will is not abandoned to God’s will or where old segments of fallen character remain unchallenged? 

Do some of our thoughts, images, or patterns of thinking show more of our kingdom or the kingdom of evil than they do God’s kingdom—for example, as they relate to money or social practices or efforts to bring the world to Christ? 

Is our body still our master in some area? Are we its servant rather than it ours? 

And if we have some role in leadership among Christ’s people, are we doing all we reasonably can to aid and direct their progress in inward transformation into Christlikeness? 

Is that progress the true aim of our lives together, and are there ways in which our activities might be more supportive of that aim? 

Is the teaching that goes out from us appropriate to the condition of the people, and is our example one that gives clear assurance and direction? Is “our progress evident to all”? (1 Timothy 4:15, PAR).


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