Sunday, July 18, 2021

Ask God to show you how to disciple someone

Some wish Jesus had left behind a step-by-step program for discipleship. While we have the focus and instructions in Matthew 28:18-20, no specific methods are identified. But Jesus is the one who disciples people. 

You and I just need a general outline so we can be receptive to how God is using us in his process of discipleship. Discipleship is about relationship, so the process will be different for everyone. You and I get to pray and look deeply into the hearts of the people God brings us alongside. 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Think of someone you have wanted to influence for God. Maybe you don’t think of yourself as “discipling” them, which is okay, because Jesus is the one who disciples people. Ask God to show you what the next step is with that person, perhaps using some of these questions:

-How well does this person comprehend the magnificence of the life of Jesus?
-What doubts fill his mind?
-What blocks her understanding?
-What might he be afraid of?
-How are you, O God, nudging her forward in purpose? 

Consider how God may be calling you to minister to this person. Does he need you to simply call him and see how he’s doing, or is there something specific you should invite him to do with you? Think also about the activities you’re involved in—not only specifically Christian ones but also your work and interaction in your neighborhood and family. How is God calling you to look at those around you as people he is apprenticing? What might you pray for a few of them?

hese questions: How well does this person comprehend the magnificence of the life of Jesus? What doubts fill his mind? What blocks her understanding? What might he be afraid of? How are you, O God, nudging her forward in purpose? Consider how God may be calling you to minister to this person. Does he need you to simply call him and see how he’s doing, or is there something specific you should invite him to do with you? Think also about the activities you’re involved in—not only specifically Christian ones but also your work and interaction in your neighborhood and family. How is God calling you to look at those around you as people he is apprenticing? What might you pray for a few of them?


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