Thursday, July 8, 2021

“They are rested and playful in a bodily strength that is from God.”

Children of light are easy to deal with. We don’t have to guess what game they’re playing or what role they’re assuming. They don’t try to manipulate others. Even better, they don’t judge.

It isn’t necessary to say to children of light, “I didn’t want to give you the impression that . . .” or “I didn’t want you to think . . .” because they’ve given up preoccupation with forming opinions about others. I don’t need to brood, thinking, I wonder what they thought of me! 

Their transparency keeps me from wondering what their hidden agenda might have been because they simply don’t have one. With children of light, everything is given to the care of God. To some, this may sound boring. But remember that “they are rested and playful in a bodily strength that is from God.” 

Often these people are more fun because there is no agenda behind their humor. The road to becoming such a person—a child of light—involves abandoning everything to God: what others think of us, what others’ harmful motives might be, fears about what others might do to us, hopes for getting ahead. We come to truly believe that God “knows what he’s doing, and he’ll keep on doing it” (1 Peter 4:19, MSG). 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Skim through the above Renovation of the Heart selection, “What Children of Light Are Like,” and the previous one, “Children of Light.” Underline the phrases that describe the results you would most like to see in the dimensions of yourself—perhaps having a mind centered on God, not indulging thoughts of failure and hopelessness, or not thinking first of yourself. 

Or it might be having a tongue that is constantly poised to say what is loving and good without thinking, being completely transparent or effortless in the way you are. Why do you want these things? How would they make your life more meaningful? What would be your next steps (spiritual disciplines)?


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