Sunday, June 6, 2021

Our body speaks volumes about us

Who we really are inside is communicated by our manner—what our body is “ready” to do at any minute. The way we stand, the look on our face, the height of our shoulders tells people the condition of our heart. Our body speaks volumes about us. “The look” is subtle but reveals a great deal. 

Jesus talks about “looking to lust” (see Matthew 5:28), and a body trained to do so can scarcely not do it. Others steeped in disgust have trained their face to look with disgust, and that is noticed, especially by those younger, less powerful, or somehow subservient on the social ladder. 

Sometimes people send mixed signals. They try to “act like a Christian,” but their body betrays them. When I’m not around anyone I need to impress, what would it take to get me to yell at someone? What would have to happen for my hand and arm to hit someone? 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Stand before a full-length mirror. Imagine for a moment you’re speaking to someone you dislike. Let your body move into its natural pose for this. Do not mask your true feelings. Examine your body to see if you’ve arranged it in some way to protect yourself—perhaps your arms are crossed. Notice the position of your eyebrows. Are they raised or lowered? Knitted? Pay attention to how your mouth is set or how your tongue is positioned within your mouth. 

Start over. Let’s say you are now facing someone from whom you wish a favor. Position yourself. Notice what your eyes, mouth, and arms tell you. 

Start again and recall a stressful issue. Look at yourself. Where do you carry your stress? Some bear it in their shoulders, hunching them. Others find their stomachs tightening. 

Speak to God about the ways you’ve trained your body. Admit the underlying settled attitudes that your body favors. If you’re confused, ask God, who is “acquainted with all [your] ways” (Psalm 139:3), to help you. God can inform us of these things gently.


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