Thursday, July 14, 2016

If at first you don't believe, fake it and enjoy the Christian lifestyle!

Someone said he wasn't a Christian but he wanted to live next door to one.

I get that.

Can't believe? Think you'd have to give up too much? I even observed skeptics who tried to out-Christian me. That wouldn't be hard.

So maybe just fake it until you make it.

I knew someone - I'll call him Larry - who talked to what he thought was an imaginary friend. He called her "Effie." He came up with that name from the initials "F.E." - false enthusiasm. 

He said such things as, "Effie, it's a great day to be in the Army" - right in the middle of a firestorm in Vietnam.

But "Effie" began talking back to him in a still, small voice, prompting him to go another direction or embrace a dying soldier.

To his surprise, Larry discovered that "Effie" was really the Holy Spirit, and he became a believer.

My out-of-the-bun idea? Fake it until you make it. The Christian lifestyle can't be beat. Great music, great friends getting together to have fun or pray for each other, families that more often than not love doing life together.

You have no beef with Jesus. Act like him. Do something daring like saying, "Jesus, if you're real, I want to know you. Help me be more like you."

He'll surprise you!

Dallas Willard suggested we focus more on Jesus' Great Commission - to make disciples (students) of Jesus and let evangelism take care of itself.

Try it. You've tried everything else. Try being a student of Jesus and act like him.

Some day soon, you'll discover he's taken up residence in you, having sent his Holy Spirit to guide you.

I know great guys who did this. They went through the motions.

Until something wonderful happened that was  explainable other than a supernatural occupation of their lives by the God of creation. 

What happened?

Jesus re-created their lives.

And gave them joy unspeakable and full of glory. 

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