Monday, April 11, 2016

JOLTED back to life

I have aortic valve stenosis - leaky valve, causing atrial fibrillation (A-Fib) every few weeks. All my life I've had dizzy spells, some brought on by graphic blood-and-guts first aid discussion, some by vertigo, and some by a heart that wants to rest a few beats.

When that happens, something sets off an alarm in my head. The brain triggers a JOLT of electricity or adrenaline that wakes up my heart and insists on a regular beat. That JOLT feels as though I am passing out. But instead, I'm healed.

I've discovered that if the A-Fib persisted, I am to go to the emergency room, where they will place two paddles on my chest and dispatch a JOLT of electricity.

God thought of it first! 

If I somehow found some primordial soup, shaped it into a heart, and waited 10 billion years, would it start beating? No! It has no blood and it has no brain. In fact, which would have to come first, the blood or the heart? The blood is no use to my body unless there's a heart to pump it. The heart is useless without blood.

And so maybe I should form blood from the primordial soup and a brain and wait another 100 billion years. 

Would the brain know about self-preservation of my organs and figure out how to JOLT the heart?

That's a real stretch. 

God is the answer to all the questions: I am fearfully and wonderfully made - I was designed.

Sometime ask me about my brain full of white ischemic material (scar tissue). 

Last year my neurologist, looking at 2 MRIs and a CT Scan, said I had had a massive stoke or a disabling blow to the head, decades ago. She tested me (I had to identify a rhino and do algebra. 

She said all the synapses had reconnected without any symptoms! 

I'd like to believe a gaseous belch eons ago was that smart, but it requires far, far, far too much faith - a flying leap in the dark. Makes no sense. God triggered my brain and enabled me to figure this out, with indescribable JOY.

God only requires the tiny faith of a mustard seed, and He'll give me even that if I need it.

Sorry, universe, but God has given me a deep and lasting joy. Why should ponder any other so-called creator/creation? (Hint: Romans 1 sorts out the difference between Creator and creation)

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